COVID-19 Safety & Guidelines






Help Prevent the Spread of COVID-19

We want you to know how we’re taking measures now — and throughout the coronavirus pandemic — to help prevent the spread of COVID-19.

Our medical staff works to ensure that the highest levels of safety are maintained. We follow guidelines from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the Maryland Department of Health.


Safety Guidelines for In-Office Visits:

We are screening:

  • Everyone is screened for COVID-19 symptoms and risk factors before they enter our office.
  • Patients are screened when they make an appointment for in-person care.
  • All staff members are screened daily. They do not go to work if there is any sign of symptoms related to COVID-19.
  • We immediately separate anyone in the facility who we believe may have COVID-19 before they come into contact with other patients, and we recommend appropriate follow-up for testing.

If a patient who was diagnosed but recovered from COVID-19 requires care, we make every effort to have a Telehealth visit using telemedicine so they don’t need to go into the care facility. If we determine the patient needs an in-person visit, we adhere to strict guidelines to help prevent the spread of COVID-19 before permitting them to go to our office.

We require universal masking and wear appropriate protective equipment:

  • All staff members, patients and visitors (if permitted) must wear masks in the facilities (except children under age 2).
  • All clinical staff members wear face masks

We are extremely focused on keeping our facilities clean:

  • Surfaces and equipment are thoroughly cleaned and disinfected, using products that are effective against a range of organisms and viruses, including the coronavirus that causes COVID-19. 
  • We clean our waiting rooms frequently.
  • Hand sanitizer is always available.

For your safety and convenience, we are now offering Telehealth visits:

  • Telehealth makes treatment services more accessible, for those who don’t have the flexibility to travel.
  • Anyone with health concerns (especially during COVID-19) who may not be able to leave the house, have the ability to make their scheduled appointments.
  • Telehealth visits are private and secure Patients can access the Telehealth appointments with any computer or mobile device that has a modern web browser and integrated camera.